Rabu, 01 Februari 2017

Air Pollution : The Destroyer of Human’s Lung

Air Pollution : The Destroyer of Human’s Lung
Air pollution is a condition where the air quality is contaminated by substances that can harm human health. These substances can be caused by natural and human activities such as industry, transport, volcanic eruption, agriculture and households. Some substances contained in air pollution is influentially dangers, especially for human’s lung.

There are five harmful substances contained in air pollution, including carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC), sulfur oxides (SOx) and other particles. First, Carbon monoxide (CO) is substance that is odorless, colorless and highly toxic. This substance is the result of imperfect combustion of the coal, lumber and motor vehicles. The effect varies depending on the condition of human health. Second, Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are a result of high of temperature combustion, reddish brown, toxic, and smelly. With the formula nitrogen dioxides (NO2), which NO2 is one of the most impacts of air pollutions. 100% can result in death in animals that do experiments within 29 minutes or less. The deaths occurred because swelling in the lungs. Third, Hydrocarbons (HC) is a pollutant that can be gaseous, liquid, or solid. If hydrocarbon (HC) into the lungs it will cause injuries and stimulate the formation of cancer cells. Other effects such as laryngitis and bronchitis. Fourth, Sulfur oxide (SOx) is a chemical compound that is produced by volcanoes and from various industrial processes. Its influence can irritate the respiratory system, especially would be very dangerous for the elderly and people who have chronic diseases in the respiratory system. And fifth, Other particle/Particulate Matter (PM) is a solid form of air pollutants, which works together with the substances contained in air pollution. Which has great potential can damage body tissues. Vulnerable children and the elderly. The fifth of these substances can pollute the air alone or can pollute the air together, the numbers of the components depending on the pollutant source. As a result Industry, although industry contributes a relatively small or low in air pollution. But the industry must also be conserved, because the industry is a point source of pollution. The most substantial part of the industry is a microscopic solids and dust. This dust which negative impact on biotic and physical environment. Next Transportation, from various sectors of air pollution, the transportation sectors is a big role than other sectors. Air pollution or the exhaust gases produced by motor vehicles reached 60-70%. While the exhaust gases from industrial chimneys only about 10-15%. Also Volcanic eruption, there are many kinds of gases and substances are released when the mountain erupted. But there are two kinds of gas that can be regarded as the main cause of air pollution are sulfur oxides (SO2), which form a toxic gas, and if in large quantities can be form volcanic fog. This fog is very harmful to the skin, it can irritate and make other skin problems. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the gas is becoming one of the causes of global warming, also if the gas is concentrated in an area of the living creatures that come to the area will die. Then, Agriculture, we know agriculture is a means of survival for humans. But agriculture also can have an impact of air pollution is the use of pesticides and fertilizers, contaminated water, soil erosion and sedimentation, livestock, pests and weeds. Of the seven causes of air pollution can affect human health itself and many deaths in aquatic animals. And last Households, also gives a huge impact on the environment and human survival. Trash family, which now is one of the largest sources of pollution in Indonesia. This is because the fact that little effort in waste management population. Kitchen smoke, which not only generated by the stove, but also in the process of cooking, frying and roasting process. The result of the smoke more than the boiling process. This increases the risk of health problems such as cancer, pneumonia, and chronic lung disease.

Five substances mentioned above have a huge impact on the environment and human health. The impact on the environment to be damaged and polluted. For example, the occurrence of respiratory disorders such as pneumonia. Damage the health of the skin so the skin looks dull, raised black spots, experiencing wrinkles, and even worse is the risk of skin cancer. Can improve asthma and coughing. Air pollution due to forest fire smoke can interfere with vision. But the most powerful impact on human health occurs or chronic. Which can result in decreased immune system in the body, so the body easily infected with various diseases.

Diseases caused by substances in air pollution often leads to the function of the human lung. Because every day people breathing as survival, namely by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) and breathe oxygen (O2). As a result of irritation of the respiratory system are beginning to attack the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract others, to get the lungs. Then the narrowing of the respiratory tract or difficulty breathing. That ultimately cause death in humans. To reduce these impacts can be done with the use of masks in each of driving or traveling outside the home.

Besides on the above explanation, reducing the impact of air pollution is if people can understand very well the dangers of the five substances contained in air pollution. Then of course they would understand and know how to prevent himself from some of the diseases caused by these five substances. So it can minimize the possibility of death caused by air pollution, that the main attacks the organs of the human lung.

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