Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017



Considering the important of immunization for children and toddlers, parents should be diligent to bring their sons to come to the posyandu or the midwife. In order to know what immunization are already or have not been given. Especially when the current rampant disease caused by measles and rubella (Measles Jerman), which virus is very dangerous for humans. Because the desease caused by measles and rubella is not yet known cure, and can only be clarified by immunization.
Immunization given to overcome measles and rubella is immunization MR (Measles Rubella), a special fluid as a breaker of transmission of virus measles and rubella itself. One vaccine that can prevent two desease at once. Given to children aged 9 months to 15 years without considering prior immunization status. The dangerous of measles and rubella can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia, inflammation of the brain, blindness, malnutrition, and even death. Some also affect the pregnant woman, especially in the first tri-smester. Which can lead to miscarriage, congenital abnormalities such as mental retardation, cardiac abnormalities, deafness, visual disturbances such as cataracts.
Therefore, the goverment is campaigning for immunization MR (Measles Rubella) as an important additional immunization, which should be given to children and toddlers. As we have seen, the head of the health department stated (DinKes) DIY Pembajun Setianingastuti sad that “in 2016 out of a total of 1.929 children suspected of contracting the rubella virus in DIY, 463 of them have been tested positive for rubella virus. Since January 2017 recorded 7 extraordinary events (KLB) measles in DIY 60 – 70% of which are positive rubella.”
Not only in Yogyakarta, but there are some provinces that have been declared infected with rubella virus, such as the province of Nusa Tenggara Barat, Aceh, and Riau which is the province with the lowest number of patients. While Sulawesi, Jambi, and Papua are provinces with the highest number of people with measles.
Of the number of cases measles and rubella that occur in Indonesia, and if calculated on average by a single age, measles and rubella is common in infants aged less than one year. Therefore, parents should be more attention to the condition of their baby or their child from as early as possible.

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